Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I'm CEO, bitch

I watched the ‘Social Network’ for the first time last night. I can’t believe Mark had ‘I’m CEO, bitch’ on his business card. Cool but maybe a bit lacking in maturity…

I must be the last person in the world to watch the movie. I had put it off because our company Chairman said that if you work in Lysanda you don’t need to watch the movie. I actually don’t think that is fair. Lysanda is nothing like facebook. I am nothing like Zuckerberg. He’s much brighter, younger and richer. He’s also male.

I guess that the ‘Social Network’ is going to be to digital entrepreneurs what ‘Wall Street’ was to City guys. We’ll be quoting the lines for years…

and I would never have that on my card....

About me

I was born in 1971 and spent much of my childhood in Dorset.  We lived close to the sea which was and still is a big part of my life as one of my passions, (which my Dad imprinted on me) is sailing.  I learned to sail when I was 7 (thanks Dad) and I have been doing it ever since.  I love racing too; I’m not amazingly good at it but certainly quick enough to give the boys a run for their money.
Another great passion of mine is supercars.  I started getting interested in cars when my Dad bought a Mini Cooper ‘S’ for my mother (I don’t think this was her first choice), in actual fact I think the idea was that the Cooper would be restored to its formal glory by my father’s own fair hands, with my rather smaller hands involved in a sort of supporting role!
At around 16 years old (yes, the troublesome age) I was faced with what every 16 year old is faced with – choosing A Levels that would enable me to go to College.  I desperately wanted to be a yacht designer but I didn’t like the subjects that I would have to take in order to get onto a course, so I spent the next 2 years pretending to study and surprise surprise, I got pretty poor results.  The college took pity on me and let me in any way to study Naval Architecture and to my complete amazement, was sponsored by the MOD.  I duly (after nights of liver abuse) graduated and wrote the MOD a ‘Dear John’.  Peace had broken out (end of the cold war) and so they took the answer pretty well.
Fast forward a few years of working for Ford and working as a consultant and I came up with a smart idea called the Eco-Log.  The result is the thrusting young successful business (Lysanda Ltd) that we see today. so what next...

You know, I used to have the odd idea now and then

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hello, Who am I?

Ok, so my first Blog of my own. I have a corporate blog called 'Eco- CEO' - very nice.

This is for me to talk about the stuff I am passionate about!

I grew up in Dorset but I can't really say that I am English. I have far too much Norwegian blood in me for that to be the case.

My Dad was and is a car nut. He also a committed sailor. So guess what... his oldest daughter is a car nut and committed sailor.

In terms of my professional aspirations I really look for 3 things:

Something that bridges a digital divide
Deals with scarcity of energy
Helps us with global transportation issues.

I don’t need all of these checked but do need one or two.

I guess that’s why I founded Lysanda (

I think that’ll do for my first page!